Strategic Planning
DSA Engage to Innovate Strategic Planning Process
In the fall of 2023, the Vice President for Student Affairs administered a survey to all division staff to kick off the Engage toInnovate strategic planning process. The survey identified the shared values, strengths, potential growth areas, and strategic priorities held by varying staff across Student Affairs.
After careful review of the survey data in Spring 2024, the Student Affairs Leadership Team comprised of unit directors, drafted the division’s first iteration of the six strategic priorities and focal areas.
In Summer 2024, the Strategic Planning Workgroup formed to gather input from students, faculty, staff, campus and community partners on each of the priorities. Through facilitated formal and informal focus groups and visioning sessions, members of the Strategic PlanningWorkgroup developed recommendations for specific tactics, metrics, and timelines to carry out each strategic priority and focal area over the next five years.
In Spring 2025, the Student Affairs Leadership Team reconvened to develop a new mission, vision, and values statement for the Division of Student Affairs informed by everything learned during the strategic planning process.
In Summer 2025, the five-year DSA Strategic Plan will be finalized and put into action thanks to the efforts of dedicated staff. The plan is under the stewardship of the Student Affairs Leadership Team and continues to be a living, evolving document guiding the future of the division.