Louie Awards

The Louies are going Globo this year!

Know a Lobo who goes above and beyond and deserves recognition? 

Nominate them for one of these Louie Awards:

Award Criteria 

Amazing Assessment

A DSA staff member, student employee, or working group who has or have designed and implemented an innovative or exemplary assessment project that significantly improves or enhances a student affairs department, program, service, or event. Working group nominations can include collaborations outside of DSA.

  • Project meets an urgent or pressing need or issue in student affairs or higher education
  • Designs or employs a method to collect data related to the need or issue
  • Analyzes data to determine strategies for improvement or enhancement
  • Implements a data-informed and/or evidence-based solution(s) to address problem and/or improve or enhance a department, program, service, or event

Nominations must include the nominee name, department, and a description of the project purpose, design, and impact on student affairs

Howling Best Employee 

A staff person from within Student Affairs who has provided a significant contribution that benefits a program or department. 

  • Previously nominated staff may be nominated again; however, they are not eligible to win the award if they won the award the prior year. 
  • The staff person nominated must have been employed at least two years in the division and have at least .50 FTE status. (20 hours per week).
  • Louie selection committee members are not eligible during their term of service on the committee.
  • Directors are not eligible for this award 

Lobo Star Student Employee  

A student employee within Student Affairs. 

  • Is in good academic standing; and
  • Contributes to the goals and mission of their respective department(s); and
  • Is a model employee; and
  • Contributes outside of his/her community and within the university.

Outstanding Pack Department 

Any UNM department. 

  • Have been actively involved in a community-engaged projects for at least one year; or
  • Promote social justice and equity; or
  • Create a culture of service within their program and wider community; or
  • Take an active role in the strategic planning of projects and programs.

Student Affairs Cub Award 

A new Student Affairs employee. 

  • Started their position within Student Affairs on or after January 2022; and
  • Contributes to the goals and mission of their respective department(s); and
  • Shows leadership qualities by modeling excellence, integrity, inclusivity, communication, and is transformative.

UNM Faculty Leader of the Pack

Faculty member outside the Division of Student Affairs, who performs tasks beyond their regularly assigned duties that significantly enhance some aspect of student life at UNM.  

  • Creates a climate for continued improvement in the student body affecting most members of the student body; or
  • Works on activities with a group of students, including special interest organizations; or
  • Takes time outside their scheduled office hours to help students succeed academically.

UNM Staff Leader of the Pack 

Staff member outside the Division of Student Affairs, who performs tasks beyond their regularly assigned duties that significantly enhance some aspect of student life at UNM.  

  • Creates a climate for continued improvement in the student body affecting most members of the student body; or
  • Works on activities with a group of students, including special interest organizations; or
  • Goes above and beyond their duties to help students succeed.

Click here for printable Awards Criteria document.

Please help us congratulate the 2024 Louie Award winners! 


UNM Faculty Leader of the Pack

Dr. Elif Tunc-Ozcan

Department of Neurosciences

 Tunc-Ozcan 2024


Howling Best Employee

Jorge García

El Centro de la Raza

Garcia 2024

UNM Staff Leader of the Pack

Dr. Heather Mechler

Office of Institutional Analytics

 Mechler 2024

Star Lobo Student Employee

Katie Farmin

Accessibility Resource Center

Farmin 2024


Outstanding Pack

Veteran & Military Resource Center

VMRC 2024


Student Affairs Generosity Award

Matt and Kathy Mathai

 Mathai AISS



2023 Louie Winners

Kiyoko Simmons  - UNM Staff Pack Member

Tamara Shannon  - UNM Faculty Pack Member

Maria Szasz  - UNM Faculty Pack Member

Michael Martinez  -  Lobo Star Student

Frankie McQuerry  -  Howling Best Employee

Women’s Resource Center  -  Outstanding Pack Department