Mezquite Golf Tournament

Quince Golden Celebration!

Mezquite Final STD with Logos 

The annual Mezquite Golf Tournament hosted by The University of New Mexico and El Mezquite Markets turns 15 this year!

In honor of our 15-year anniversary, we are pleased to present a special Quince Golden Celebration on Friday, Aug. 8 at Isleta Golf Glub.

 The tournament—known for its food, fun atmosphere, and stellar prizes—has been raising money for UNM student scholarships for the past 14 years. To date, the tournament has raised upwards of $250,000. 

Ways to Participate




Platinum Sponsor - $5,000

  • 2 golf foursome teams (8 players)
  • One complementary Golden Quince ticket per player
  • First choice of course 
  • Premium reserved table at the tournament dinner
  • Premier advertising and prominent display of company logo on all marketing materials including tournament banner and dinner program
  • Golf cart signage with company name and logo
  • Hole sponsorship signage

Gold sponsor - $2,500

  • 1 golf foursome (4 players) 
  • 2 complimentary general raffle tickets per player  
  • Reserved table at tournament dinner
  • Display of company logo tournament banner and dinner program
  • Hole sponsorship signage

Silver Sponsor - $1,250

  • 1 golf foursome (4 players)
  • Company name on tournament banner and listed on hole sponsorship signage

**All sponsor levels will have an individual hole sign, and a spot on tournament banner and program for their company name.**


This year, we are pleased to offer two raffle ticket options. A special edition Quince Golden Ticket option is available in addition to our general raffle ticket option.

Click on either option below to purchase.

Quince Golden Ticket

Small golden quince ticket

Limit of 100 sold

$50 per ticket

Chance to win premier prizes

(i.e. professional football game tickets, spa and/or resort stays, large electronics)

General Raffle Ticket 

General Raffle Ticket 


$10 per ticket or 12 tickets for $100

Chance to win great prizes

(i.e. smaller electronics, golf clubs, golf bags, grills)