Student Affairs Executive Leadership

Eric ScottDr. Eric W. Scott

Vice President for Student Affairs   (505) 277-0952


Education and Experience

Ed.D. Adult & Higher Education Leadership, Oregon State University
B.A. and MEd Education, University of South Carolina

Ask Me About 

  • Research on student success and the importance of postsecondary education
  • Opportunities for engagement at UNM
  • Bike commuting in Albuquerque
  • Outdoor adventures



Nasha Torrez, J.D. 

Dean of Students   (505) 277-3361


Education and Experience

B.B.A. Human Resources Management, Anderson School of Management, The University of New Mexico
J.D., UNM School of Law  

Functional Areas

  • Dean of Students Office 
  • LoboRESPECT Advovacy Center
  • Accessibility Resource Center
  • Student Activities Center
  • Veteran's and Military Resource Center
  • Associate Dean, Student Rights & Responsibilities
  • Associate Dean, Student Well-being


 Ask me About

  • All things New Mexico
  • Pathways to law school, and legal careers
  • Ways to maximize your time as a student at UNM
  • Best techniques for DIY nail art 

Pam HeadshotPam Agoyo

Executive Director for Student Support   (505) 277-6343


Education and Experience

Executive M.B.A, The University of New Mexico
M.A. in Organizational Learning & Instructional Technology, The University of New Mexico
B.A. Psychology and Sociology, The University of New Mexico

Functional Areas 

  • African American Student Services
  • American Indian Student Services
  • El Centro de la Raza
  • Asian American/Pacific Islander Resource Center
  • Women's Resource Center
  • Community Engagement Center
  • College Enrichment & Outreach Programs


 Ask me About

  • Establishing a plan for earning an undergraduate degree & leaving college debt-free!
  • Expanding your UNM campus network
  • My latest culinary creation
  • The 1680 Pueblo Revolt  

Jenna head shotDr. Jenna Crabb

Executive Director for Student Resources   (505) 277-2531


Education and Experience

Ph.D.  Counselor Education, The University of New Mexico
M.A. Counseling, The University of New Mexico
B.A. English and Criminology, The University of New Mexico
Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)
Global Career Development Facilitator and instructor (GCDF)
NM Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC)

Functional Areas

  • Recreational Services
  • Student Union Building
  • UNM Children's Campus
  • Student Publications
  • Career Services  


 Ask me About

  • Career counseling
  • Team and staff development
  • Campus resources
  • My UNM roots 

McIver HeadshotDr. Stephanie McIver

Executive Director, Student Health & Counseling   (505) 277-3136


Education and Experience

B.A., Psychology/Natural Science, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA
M.A., Adult Clinical Psychology, The Ohio State University
Ph.D., Adult Clinical Psychology, The Ohio State University


Functional Areas

  • Medical
  • Counseling
  • Health promotions


Ask me About

  • The collegiate healthcare world
  •  Getting all you can out of your student fees
  •  Great activities and places to de-stress
  • Fabulous food experiences

Flo Headshot

Dr. Florencio Olguin, Jr. 

Director of Operations   (505) 277-0952


Education and Experience

Ph.D.  Educational Leadership & Administration, New Mexico State University
M.P.A. Management, The University of New Mexico
B.A. Political Science & Journalism/Mass Communication, The University of New Mexico

Functional Areas

  • Assessment & Evaluation 
  • Marketing & Communication
  • SA Grant Writing
  • Mentoring Institute
  • Human Resources

Ask me About 

  • Professional development opportunities
  • Campus and community partnerships
  • Culturally responsive leadership
  • My favorite podcasts

Lisa Ellis

Lisa Ellis

Director of Development for Student Affairs   (505) 277-0941

Education and Experience

B.A. Cultural Anthropology and Sociology, Butler University



Functional Areas

  • Major Gift Fundraising
  • Donor Stewardship
  • Donor Engagement


Ask me About 

  • Higher Education Fundraising
  • All Things Wisconsin
  • Pilates
  • Canoeing and Kayaking

Vice President Office Staff


Tina Zuniga  

Dr. Tina Zuniga

Program Planning Officer for Assessment   (505) 277-0952
Scholes Hall 229



Natalie Brigance

Executive Assistant   (505) 277-0952
Scholes Hall 229

Dorene 2023

Dorene DiNaro, M.A.

Sr. Public Relations Specialist   (505) 277-0957
Scholes Hall 229