Finalists Announced for American Indian Student Services Director

June 3, 2024 - Dorene DiNaro

AISS director finalists forums

The search committee has announced three finalists for the position of director for American Indian Student Services. You are invited and encouraged to attend each of the candidate forums next week which are open to UNM students, faculty and staff. The forums are a great opportunity to learn about each candidate’s experience, and engage in open dialogue about why they are interested in the position.  

Arellanez photoNatalie Arellanez


Feedback survey 



Blue Sky-Hall photoDawn Blue Sky-Hill


Feedback survey 




Yazzie photoAndrew Yazzie


Feedback survey 





This key role provides strategic direction, consultation, and support to the university community in developing integrated approaches for best addressing the educational needs, prospects, and related concerns of American Indian/Indigenous students and allies. The AISS Director is also responsible for assisting the university in providing an environment that promotes a welcoming and dynamic atmosphere that results in greater advancement and empowerment of Native students.

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